Microbes fascinate me. They can make a living almost anywhere, exhibit complex social lives, and influence the environment on a global scale, all despite their microscopic size. My research in environmental microbiology/microbial ecology focuses on understanding the ecological mechanisms that govern microbial interactions, both among microbes and between microbes and their environment, as well as microbial contributions to biogeochemical processes.
The first part of Amy’s postdoctoral work with Alex Worden at MBARI has been submitted for publication: “Closely-related viruses of the marine picoeukaryotic alga, Ostreococcus lucimarinus, exhibit different ecological strategies.”
Rachna presented her independent research project “From microbes to medicine: Isolation and identification of antibiotic producing soil bacteria from Chicago.” R. Tripathi & A.E. Zimmerman
Congratulations to Rachna for winning the 1st place student poster award at the 2018 SWI symposium!
Amy joined the Waldbauer Lab at the University of Chicago as a Research Scientist to contribute to projects that apply quantitative proteomics to address questions in marine microbial ecology and evolution.
Research Scientist
Department of the Geophysical Sciences
University of Chicago
Hinds Lab 331
5734 S. Ellis Ave.
Chicago, IL 60637
email: aezimmerman@uchicago